The West ignores neo-Nazi past of Belarusian ‘activist’
Western politicians have condemned Belarus in the last week after a Ryan Air Flight travelling from Greece to Estonia was forced to land in Belarus by the Belarusian Air Force last Sunday.
Western politicians have condemned Belarus in the last week after a Ryan Air Flight travelling from Greece to Estonia was forced to land in Belarus by the Belarusian Air Force last Sunday.
New Zealand’s recent attempts to take an independent foreign policy have filled the rest of the clique with rage.
The Communist Party of Swaziland marked Africa Day by issuing a comprehensive call to arms for working people across the continent. Challenge carries their statement in full. The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) in celebration of Africa Day 2021 salutes all our African liberation stalwarts for the gallant contributions they made in the anti-colonial struggles over the years. The CPS also salutes all the revolutionaries daily engaged in taking the African liberation struggle forward, particularly struggles against the subjugation of the African continent to imperialist forces. The CPS calls for working-class unity against imperialism, but also targeted at the overthrow of African dictators.
5,000 workers are worried for their
We would like to congratulate our
Nearly four years since the Grenfell catastrophe, the public costs have surpassed £500 million following the announcement that the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea had spent £406 million on its response and recovery work.
The pair tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he died have admitted to falsifying records, but will escape jail time under a deal with federal prosecutors. Tova Noel and Michael Thomas from the Bureau of Prisons were accused of sleeping and scrolling through the internet the night Epstein died, rather than following proper monitoring procedure.
The animal rights group Animal Rebellion have launched numerous direct action operations against the fast food giant McDonalds.
Chileans took to the polls last Sunday (16 May 2021) to vote in both regional elections and to also to elect 155 members to a Constitutional Convention tasked with drafting a new constitution. The elected conventional deputies have a year to write the new constitution before the public will vote on whether to ratify it. The demand for this constitutional convention stems from the protests beginning in October 2019 that rocked the country as millions took to the streets to vent frustration at the current constitution which was drafted under the US backed dictator Augusto Pinochet in 1980.
Government measures raising the price of single-use carrier bag from 5p to 10p have been introduced across England today.
On Tuesday (18 May 2021) Palestinians across Gaza, the West Bank, occupied territories ad within Israel itself, participated in a General Strike, protesting the ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Forces, on behalf of the Israeli state. This General Strike, which was organised on extremely short notice, with initial calls to action circulating on social media on the 16th and 17th further highlighted Israel’s reliance on the exploitation of Palestinian workers.
The Communist Party has strongly condemned what it called the “ethnic cleansing” of East Jerusalem and Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. “The murderous assault of the Netanyahu regime and what can only be described as the Israeli Offence Force has exposed – yet again – the brutal character of the Israeli state’s illegal occupation and incarceration of Palestinian lands”, Robert Griffiths told the Party’s Executive Committee on Sunday (16 May 2021). Britain’s Communists also condemned the refusal of the US, British and European Union governments to take any meaningful action against the Israeli state’s “crimes against humanity”.
A man who came to Britain from Congo at the age of 13 in 2003 has got a rare win for immigrants in Britain. The High Court finally ruled in favour of Sam Louis’ claim following a decade of false imprisonment and legal hostility.
Next year, the first-ever worldwide conference on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights is to be held in Britain. Meanwhile the Tory government has yet to accomplish its promises to the global 42-country Equal Rights Coalition. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the first authorised London Pride marches, the “Safe to Be Me” event is anticipated to be the biggest of its kind and will encourage international and domestic elected officials, campaigners and policymakers to take part in London over two days in June 2022.
Spending cuts and service reviews are being outlined as a result of a funding shortage of over half a billion pounds for educating children with special needs, across councils in England. Due to a government ruling, local authorities are not permitted to employ other reserves to boost funds for the special educational needs and disabilities (Send) system, leaving families anxious that their loved ones could lose support to ensure gaping historical shortfalls are cleared.
China’s Zhurong rover successfully landed on Mars this Saturday. This is the first time a non-American Mars landing has succeeded without a crash or loss of contact.
Today (15 May 2021) across Britain, hundreds of thousands of people gathered to protest the oppressive Israeli regime and their constant bombardment of Palestinian people in cities across Britain including London, Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Aberdeen.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) has released a statement marking the 73rd Anniversary of the Nakba denouncing the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the ongoing horrific violence against Palestinians.
YCL Brighton & East Sussex Branch expose the longstanding and institutional racism, sexism and brutality of Sussex Police.
Hundreds of protesters in the Southside of Glasgow have today (13 May 2021) managed to stop a Home Office attempt to detain and deport two local residents to Afghanistan. At around 10am this morning, calls went out from local direct action groups, including the No Evictions Network, to physically resist the deportation attempt. One individual lodged himself underneath the Home Office van before other activists could arrive to stop the van from moving.