
The eclipse and re-emergence of the Young Communist League

Looking at the causes behind the decline and brief death of the YCL towards the end of the last century, Tomasz Nowak argues that it is the success of Marxism Leninism and the failure of the supposed alternative strategies since then, that has led to the regeneration of unapologetic communist activism we see today

Is North Korea a monarchy?

Rowan Valvona explores the validity of the accusations of monarchical rule in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Fatcats vs the fans

Fan ownership is vital for giving working-class fans a say over their clubs, argues Gary Steele

Turkish Cypriots in the grip of the status quo

It is a fact that lately we have been witnessing this unexpected and longstanding “scaremongering” propagating the idea that “The day will come when Turkish Cypriots will move to the south of the island and leave Turkey on its own in the north”. What we mostly observe is basically… “Turkish Cypriots in a rush to find jobs in the south because the situation in the north is unbearable”.