
It’s not enough to be anti-Tory

Howard Green writes on how the term ‘Tory’ has been pacified from its original provocative meaning, arguing that individuals amongst the left should go further than simply being anti-Tory

After the elections: Communism in the Czech Republic

After a devastating loss of support that saw one of the most successful Communist parties in Europe fail to enter parliament, international head Jaroslav Roman speaks to Conrad Landin about how the nation’s left can recover

On austerity

Matt Cox writes on the tasks of Communists in a time of looming austerity

Ecocide and Enbridge

Mustafa Harabou writes on the Enbridge corporation’s environmental destruction alongside the failures of Western governments in combatting pollution

Democratic centralism

Matt Cox explains the practical importance of democratic centralism in a Marxist-Leninist organisation

Sudan Coup: Liberation statement

Liberation unequivocally condemns the military coup in Sudan, and calls for its immediate cessation and the return of the army and paramilitaries to their barracks

Memories of socialist Hungary

Eben Dombay Williams reflects on his family’s memories of socialist Hungary, drawing comparisons between their experiences and the current Hungarian government’s anti-communist slander