Sudanese Communist Party: The political situation in Sudan

Fathi Alfadl, of the Sudanese Communist Party's Bureau of Information, reveals to us the current political situation in Sudan.
Fathi Alfadl, of the Sudanese Communist Party's Bureau of Information, reveals to us the current political situation in Sudan.
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January 1st marked Sudan’s Independence Day, but there was nothing to celebrate in the country at the moment.

Sunday, the 2nd of January witnessed massive demonstrations under the slogan “In Memory of the Martyrs”. The main demand of thousands of protesters who took to the streets was the achievement of a complete civilian democratic rule and justice for the martyrs.

Following the continuation of the firm rejection of the political agreement signed on 21 November between the leader of the military coup, Burhan, and PM Hamdok by all active opposition forces, mainly the Resistance Committees, the Professional Alliance and the Sudanese Communist Party, the reinstated PM announced his resignation last Sunday.

Hamdok’s resignation is considered a blow to the military generals, who had thought an agreement with him would appease the protests and legitimise their stay in power. These calculations were wrong. The masses continue to condemn and challenge the military coup and all decisions that were introduced. The current political crisis, deepened by the recent draconian laws, threatens to return the country to the authoritarian years of Albashir’s dictatorial regime.

The peaceful mass protests that swept the streets of a number of cities last Sunday were met with brutal and excessive of force, resulting in the killing of two demonstrators and over 90 people were seriously wounded. Furthermore, the wave of detention has continued, as more than 350 activists were detained since last Thursday. 56 protesters were brutally killed by the security forces.

The radical opposition forces are engaged in a series of urgent talks to finalise the political platform that will help to speed up, unify and establish the central leadership which plays the role of representing the Resistance Committees, the Professional Alliance, the Sudanese CP and other political, civil and opposition groups.

At this critical stage of the struggle of our people aiming at defeating the military dictatorship and establishing the people’s power, the Sudanese Communist Party calls on all fraternal parties, democratic and progressive parties and organizations to continue their solidarity actions:

  • To demand the abolition of the state of emergency and the draconian laws that followed.
  • To demand the immediate release of all political detainees.
  • To call for respecting the rights to peaceful protest actions, and the right to internet access, demanding an end to internet shutdown. 

The Sudanese Communist Party avails itself of this opportunity to express its deep thanks to all the fraternal parties that have expressed their solidarity, and it appeals for more support in the coming battles.

Fathi Alfadl, Sudanese CP Bureau of Information

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