
Black man, George Floyd, murdered by US police in Minneapolis

Late Monday on night (25 May 2020) footage emerged from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, showing the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed 46 yr old black year but US police.

The footage shows Floyd handcuffed and pinned to the ground with one police officer’s knee pressing against his neck, while Floyd protested that he could not breathe. This went on for five minutes, all on camera, until Floyd eventually passed out. He died in hospital a short while later.

Vietnam: 39 straight days without COVID-19 transmission

Vietnam had no new COVID-19 cases to report this morning (25 May 2020), meaning the socialist country remained clear of community transmission of the disease for 39 consecutive days, according to Vietnam’s National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.

Dominic Cummings flagrantly breached lockdown at height of pandemic

It has emerged that, senior No.10 aide Dominic Cummings travelled hundreds of miles from London to County Durham during the lockdown when he had virus symptoms. This comes after the resignation of Prof. Neil Ferguson, who ignored the law to visit his partner in another home. Back in April the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland, Dr Catherine Calderwood was also forced to resign after flouting lockdown measures, which she herself had advocated for.

3 weeks on: US silence following terrorist attack on Cuban Embassy

Cuba’s Foreign Ministry was yesterday (21 May 2020) demanding answers from the United States three weeks after the island’s embassy in Washington was the target of a terrorist attack on 30 April 2020.

The Cuban Embassy in Washington, only a few blocks from the White House, was attacked by Alexander Alazo Baró with an AK-47. 32 rounds were fired at the building, with a clear intention to kill diplomatic staff – although thankfully no one was killed in the attack.

The Impact of COVID-19 in Europe

The Communist Party has produced a comprehensive report on the global impact of COVID-19. The following excerpt on Europe details the differing impact of the pandemic across a number of European States.

Africa & the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is being exacerbated by the deep-rooted poverty, underdevelopment, and instability which affect the 55 countries and 1.3 billion people of the African continent – a legacy of colonial domination, post-colonial exploitation of people and resources and imperialist economic, political and military interventions today.