The state of trans healthcare in Britain
Rose Raistrick argues why more needs to be done to improve NHS access to trans healthcare
Rose Raistrick argues why more needs to be done to improve NHS access to trans healthcare
The Venezuelan left-wing labor federation CUTV, affiliated to the World Federation of Trade Unions, issued a response to a statement of the CBST, the government-aligned union federation.
YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter explains why it is critical to examine the recent rise in industrial action and SNP’s referendum announcement from a class standpoint
Judith Cazorla writes on the situation of migrant women in Britain and why we as communists need to do more to engage with them
“Socialists must disengage from the bourgeois conception of human rights”, writes Ethan Chan
Three years after his fairly historic victory, we bid an ignoble bon voyage to Boris Johnson, the Thatcher wannabe, without the success
In wake of the US Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V. Wade, Phoebe Williams writes on the current state of abortion rights in Britain
25 years on, Ethan Chan writes that the propaganda war against China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong is intensifying
In a week of historic strike action, the RMT media strategy presents a much-needed fighting spirit, writes James Meechan
In this transcript of a speech delivered to the International Department of the Central Committee, Communist Party of China, YCL member Jacob Fominov describes what it was like living in the nation – from being introduced to Marxism, to seeing the government’s handling of the pandemic first-hand
After his recent trip to the island, YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter writes on why we must not abandon or betray the Cuban Revolution
On the 33rd anniversary of the end of the Tiananmen Square protests, Eben Dombay Williams examines why anti-communists continue to use the period as ammunition in the ‘New Cold War’
As The Queen celebrates her 70 year reign, James Meechan exposes the true role and power of the Royal Family within our society, and explores just what it might look like without it.
Nathan Hennebry takes a look at the proud working-class footballers of the past, and asks why we no longer see them in our modern game
Ahead of protests against the return of US Nuclear Weapons to Britain, YCL East of England explore the realities of our US Military occupation
Harry Stephenson writes on the monopolistic practices of record labels in the contemporary music industry
This is the transcript of the speech Xi Jinping gave to commemorate the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China, Great Hall of the People, Beijing
Berkan Çelebi interviews Mehmet Erçetin, a central council member of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), explaining the
current situation of the working class, work of the TKP, and their youth wing the
Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG).
It isn’t easy rhetoric — it is simply the best answer, as our government indicates its desire to join the war in Ukraine, we must tie them up at home with a furious escalation of class struggle against the cost-of living crisis, writes James Meechan
This speech was delivered by Shea Stewart at the YCL’s 2022 May Day demonstration in Manchester