
Communist Party to host Centenary Online Gala and 10 Red Wedge meetings

The Communist Party has announced key dates for their adjusted Centenary Celebration plans. The CP turns 100 on the 31st of July. A busy Centenary calendar planned for 2020 had to be adjusted in light of COVID-19 restrictions – but local and national celebrations are taking place online in branches across Britain.

Show your Pride

Marking the 36th Anniversary of the foundation of the iconic Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners movement of the mid-1980s, Joe Weaver discusses the significance of Pride and what lessons can be learned today.

Poetry Corner: The Living Seed by Angela Tuckett

The Living Seed by Angela Tuckett

Born in Bristol, Angela Tuckett became involved in progressive politics from an early age. She supported the Welsh contingent to the 1931 Hunger March, the League of Progressive Writers and Bristol’s Unity Theatre. In 1940, as a solicitor, she took charge of the legal department of the National Council for Civil Liberties (now Liberty). She joined the staff of the Daily Worker in 1942, then worked on Labour Monthly from 1948 to 1978. She was a member of the editorial committee of the William Morris Society, and with her husband Ike Gradwell worked tirelessly to build up the Swindon branch of the Communist Party. This poem uses metaphor to illustrate what the struggle is all about.

Grant Wilson (publicdomainpictures.net)

Marxism and intersectionality

Ben Lunn provides a Marxist critique of intersectionality and discusses an understanding of oppression and discrimination based on a class perspective

Wales: Who cares for carers?

Claudia Cannon discusses the dire need for increased support for carers in Wales and across Britain and the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Poetry Corner: Che Comandante by Nicolás Guillén

Che Comandante by Nicolás Guillén, 1967.

“Che Comandante,” by Nicolás Guillén (1902 – 1989), Cuba’s National Poet Laureate, read on that solemn evening of October 18, 1967, in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución José Martí, shortly after Che’s death was announced to the world.The first verses were prophetic.

Over twenty years ago, Che’s remains were found where they had been hidden following his murder and were transferred to Cuba. Che was laid to rest, with six of his fellow combatants with military honors in a specially built mausoleum in the Cuban city of Santa Clara, where he had commanded over the decisive military victory of the Cuban Revolution.

Survival of the Richest

Maxime Rigoulay attacks the criminal negligence of Boris Johnson’s Tory Government in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic and argues we must take the opportunity build working class resistance.