
Raab’s human rights reforms criticised as a government ‘power grab’

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab has proposed changes to the Human Rights Act that would make it much harder for “serious criminals” to escape deportation. As part of a new “bill of rights” which Raab seeks to establish, those who have commited certain offences would be unable to call on the “right to a family life”, article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights

Plans for Cambo oil field on hold for now…

Last week Shell announced they were to withdraw from Cambo proposals due to supposed issues around the economic justification of the project. Today, another key partner, Siccar Point Energy, announced it would also be pulling out from the project, which sits approximately 125km northwest of the Shetland Isles

DWP leaves disabled people living in fear

A new legal challenge has revealed how many disabled people have been subjected to months of invasive checks following being tagged as potential benefit fraudsters by an algorithm the government hasn’t shown yet

Indian Farmers win repeal of Modi’s black laws

Indian PM Narendra Modi has today announced that the BJP Government will repeal three highly controversial farming laws which prompted unrest throughout the country and with the Indian community throughout the world

COP26 climate commitments fall short of the mark, new report shows

This year’s COP26 summit in Glasgow has seen strong words from many world leaders on their commitment to tackle global climate change. However, when one looks at the concrete policies being carried out by these governments, it becomes clear that what world leaders are saying on climate and what is actually being done are two very different things

China bans “diehard” Taiwanese secessionists from travelling to mainland

The Chinese government have announced that individuals identified as “diehard Taiwanese secessionists” will be prevented from entering mainland China, or cooperating with businesses there. Such measures are expected to deter the secessionist movement in Taiwan, especially by removing the ability of associated businesses to make a profit from mainland China

Tory budget offers nothing to better the lives of British workers

Last week’s budget made something of a departure from the austerity that shaped the last decade of Tory policy, with commitments of greater funding across the public sector, however, it offers nothing to fundamentally better the lives of British workers in the face of rising prices, wage stagnation and cuts to Universal Credit