The criminalisation of working-class football fans in Scotland
Nathan Hennebry details the means by which Police Scotland systematically targets working-class football fans, calling for class unity in the face of oppression
Nathan Hennebry details the means by which Police Scotland systematically targets working-class football fans, calling for class unity in the face of oppression
James Meechan argues that the past few months have seen an increase in trade union militancy
Scotland is sleepwalking into a fresh crisis under the SNP-Green coalition, writes Johnnie Hunter
Jacob F writes on Socios’ recent attempts to capitalise from football through cryptocurrency, stating that fans should take a stand against the company’s monopolistic practices
Halima Abdi explores the history of Marxist feminism as a school of thought
Eben Dombay Williams critiques the hypocrisy of Scottish MSPs’ calls for an independent Tibet
Berkan Çelebi writes on how Britain’s involvement in the Bolivian coup was fuelled by an underlying interest in lithium extraction
Eben Dombay Williams writes on the Western media’s lies about Peng Shuai
We condemn the fascist aggression against Juan Balado, councillor of Izquierda Unida (United Left) in Pezuela de las Torres (Madrid)
Howard Green writes on how the term ‘Tory’ has been pacified from its original provocative meaning, arguing that individuals amongst the left should go further than simply being anti-Tory
Grant MacDonald analyses Marx’s writings on the unity and struggle of opposites
After a devastating loss of support that saw one of the most successful Communist parties in Europe fail to enter parliament, international head Jaroslav Roman speaks to Conrad Landin about how the nation’s left can recover
Matt Cox writes on the tasks of Communists in a time of looming austerity
Kirsty Brown critiques the liberal notion ‘sex work is work’
Abbie Rhodes writes on the historic racism within Yorkshire County Cricket Club
Today Britain’s Establishment and ruling class, in a yearly ritual, have again sought to use Remembrance Sunday to stir up militarism and jingoism to a new generation
Jason D argues that police’s intimidation tactics towards the YCL reflect the establishment’s growing fears
Sam Fury writes on The Sun’s lies about the Hillsborough disaster and the subsequent boycott of the paper by the people of Liverpool
Yesterday the Young Communist League joined thousands of protestors in opposing the sham COP26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland
Mustafa Harabou writes on the Enbridge corporation’s environmental destruction alongside the failures of Western governments in combatting pollution