Da 5 Bloods: Black Lives Matter meets Rambo?
Dennis Broe reviews Spike Lee’s recent and celebrated film which attempts to tackle the experience of African-American US soldiers during and after the Vietnam War.
Dennis Broe reviews Spike Lee’s recent and celebrated film which attempts to tackle the experience of African-American US soldiers during and after the Vietnam War.
In a question to the European Commission last week, the Communist Party of Greece’s (KKE) EU Parliamentary Group demanded the full and permanent return of the 2,500 year-old Parthenon Marbles, also known as the “Elgin Marbles” in Britain.
Jamie Perkins marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Gay Liberation Front and discusses its importance in the struggle for LGBT+ rights in Britain.
Last weekend (3/4 October 2020), young communists conducted home to home leafleting on estates in Cable Street scene of a famous battle against fascism in 1936. The three day campaign included a street stall, giant projection of a film on the Battle and postering, with a banner display on the Sunday.
In a speech delivered in 1962, Ernesto Che Guevara discusses the task of communist cadres in building socialism in Cuba – outlining fundamental lessons for young communists the world over.
On the 53rd anniversary of his death, Joe Weaver explains the origins of an iconic image of the world’s most famous revolutionary
Increasing state repression of left and democratic forces should come as no surprise – and communists must be prepared to tackle it head on, writes Adam Jenson.
Jamie Perkins discusses the fight for LGBT+ rights in Russia and across Eastern Europe, the lessons which can be learned from socialist Cuba – and how they can be applied today.
Denise Lynn explores the life, work and revolutionary contribution of, now legendary member of the Communist Parties of the USA and Britain, Claudia Jones.
The famous victory in 1936 is still felt today far beyond the East End, says Liz Payne.
The International Relations Committee of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) details the ongoing fight by students in the country for proper and effective protection from COVID-19.
Yesterday (30 September 2020), events professionals around the country took part in various actions to expose the dire situation facing workers in this highly profitable industry. Graham Dakin writes about the conditions and challenges that have led them to this point.
Why I Choose Red by Hugh MacDiarmid
Dr Christopher Murray Grieve, who wrote under the pen-name of Hugh Macdiarmid, was the greatest Scottish poet of the twentieth century. Best-known for what he called “Lallans”, a literary form of the Lowland Scots language that he developed, he also made use of English.
At different stages of his life he was a supporter of Scottish nationalism and communism. Famously, he stood for the Communist Party against Tory Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, in the Kinross & West Perthshire constituency in the 1964 general election, as part of an unsuccessful bid to get television time for the Party. His A Sprig of White Heather in the Future’s Lapel, written for former Communist MP Willie Gallacher on the occasion of the latter’s 80th birthday, is particularly famous among Britain’s Communists.
Here we feature Why I Choose Red, one of McDiarmid’s strongly political poems.
Nick Wright discusses the prevalence of rampant individualism among Britain’s media and ruling class during the coronavirus pandemic and the ideological significance of attacks on public health measures as ‘Stasi hell’.
As we approach the 84th Anniversary of the legendary Battle of Cable Street on 4 October, Joe Weaver discusses its historical importance and living legacy.
Daragh O’Neill discusses the outcomes of last week’s TUC Congress which was held online for the first time – and the challenges facing the labour movement as we head towards 2021.
Daragh O’Neill sounds the alarm bell on creeping Tory privatisation of our NHS, which is taking advantage of coronavirus gripping the country to accelerate changes and siphon off public money.
The government’s new Bill withdraws economic decision-making powers from devolved administrations just as they are set to escape EU ‘competition’ regulation, explains Communist Party International Secretary, John Foster.
The Communist Party of Venezuela has issued a detailed statement to the world Communist movement outlining the current political situation in Venezuela, the outlook of the PCV and their reasoning for forming the Popular Revolutionary Alternative to stand in this December’s parliamentary elections.
Dennis Broe reviews two Netflix original TV series, Green Frontier and Wild District, two shockingly different approaches to South American struggles for political liberation.