WFDY: “Imperialism is responsible for the tragedy in Moria”

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) has issued a statement condemning the tragic events affecting refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos.

The YCL is Britain’s affiliate to WFDY, one of over 180 progressive and anti-imperialist youth organisations from more than 100 countries that are members. WFDY organises campaigns as well as solidarity brigades in support of peace, self-determination for all people and social and economic progress.

The 9th of September fire in the Greek town of Moria on the island of Lesbos forced the evacuation of a refugee camp with 13,000 people. The Moria inferno is the emblematic result of the inhumane policy of the European Union, the measures of all the governments of Greece, the Dublin Regulation, and the EU – Turkey agreement. What happened was nothing more than a chronicle of a pre-announced crime.

As we have denounced many times, Imperialism is the number one responsible for forcing people to take refuge. Because of their wars, their plundering of natural resources and their exploitation, young people and workers are forced to leave their homes and, once here, are confronted with this inhumane migration policy.

We denounce the responsibility of Imperialism in general for the situation of the refugees, the EU reactionary plans for the transformation of the Aegean islands into permanent concentration camps for immigrants and the Greek government in particular for what happened in Moria. The government knew for a long time now that the situation in Moria was explosive due to the large number of people trapped in miserable conditions. They must now provide a substantial solution, ensuring the health and the rights of the inhabitants, the refugees and migrants. All health measures and necessary protocols must be taken for their temporary transfer to the mainland and, from there, the necessary documents must be issued so that they can go to their countries of destination. Moria must be closed and no other reception and identification centre, closed or open, must be created in the Aegean islands.

We claim that overcrowding is unworthy. The migration policy of imperialist alliances such as the European Union and NATO is inhuman. They must be allowed to migrate to their point of destination. But, above all, we must fight for a world in which nobody is forced to migrate, to leave his home or to take refuge. And this will only be possible if we fight against this imperialist system.

Challenge News Desk

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