As the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, began to rise in the early hours of Sunday (3 May 2020) a group of terrorist mercenaries, believed to have come from neighbouring Colombia, attempted to carry out an invasion by sea, in the town of Macuto, about 21 miles North of the capital city.
The Venezuelan government reported that the objective of this incursion was to commit terrorist acts in the country as well as also promoting violence across the South American nation.
Thankfully their efforts were in vain. Eight people were killed in an ensuing stand off, with two more of the group being captured, one of whom was later revealed to be a United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent. GPS information later indicated the attack originated in neighbouring Columbia.
Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace of Venezuela, Nestor Reverol, reported that “terrorists attempted to enter Venezuelan territory via speedboats along the coasts of the state of La Guaira”.
He went on to state that the Bolivarian revolutionary government will “resist any threat against our country and we will respond forcefully against these terrorist groups that attempt to disturb our peace”.
The president of Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, spoke out against the coup saying, ‘We have to act in an effective and forceful way… The problems of Venezuelans are solved by Venezuelans, the people want peace…the right continues to underestimate the people and the national security agencies…they have not learned from their mistakes.’
Cabello went on to suggest DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) involvement with the coup, along with the US government, Colombia and drug trafficking groups. Security forces are undergoing investigations into links between these paramilitaries and national groups inside the country.
The Regional Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the World Federation of Democratic Youth strongly condemned the new aggression against the Venezuelan people that U.S. imperialism has sought to perpetrate.
They argued that, these imperialist attacks, which have been orchestrated with the servility of the Colombian state, are aimed at undermining Venezuelan sovereignty and the Government of President Nicolas Maduro. The ultimate aim of this being to deprive Venezuela of its main strategic resources, so highly sought after by transnational monopolies.
They also highlighted the timing of this, given the increasing complexities being wrought by the global Covid-19 pandemic which the Bolivarian Republic is doing well to contain.
Solidarity with the Venezuelan people in this time of crisis.
Down with US imperialism
Peter Stoddart
With thanks to YCL International Commission for assistance with translation.