Every League member must be a leader

“Every member should feel entitled to make proactive contributions to the life of the organisation within the proper boundaries”, writes Robin Talbot

YCL100: Conquer Your Future

Robin Talbot explains why you should celebrate 100 years of the Young Communist League of Britain, 1921-2021. Today (24 December 2020) the YCL will be launching a new online platform for celebrating our centenary. For the next 100 days, we will be counting down towards the live launch of our 100 year celebrations, starting in April and reaching a finale in April 2022.

Breaking with Pinochet’s terrorist and neoliberal regime of the past in Chile

On 25 October 2020, Chileans will have the right to vote for a new constitution and a new constituent assembly of representatives. Lautaro Carmona, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Chile, told Nuevo Mundo on 27 August that October’s referendum will be “decisive for the future of the country” and “for conquering a society […]

‘Sovereign’: Cuba’s potential vaccine against COVID-19

On 27 August 2020, the Finlay Vaccine Institute in Cuba reported that the first 20 volunteers for clinical trials of the newly developed “Sovereign 01” vaccine were in perfect health, with the only side effect being a small amount of pain in the area of injection.

#CP100: the YCL, always with the Party

As part of the Communist Party’s Centenary Red Wedge meetings Robin Talbot gives a whistle-stop tour of the 99 year history of Britain’s young communists and why you should join today. This is a transcript a speech delivered online on 1 August 2020.