Featured Image: A 2020 protest against rape outside the parliament building in Dhaka (AP)
The streets of Bangladesh are once again echoing with the voices of resistance. A nationwide movement, Bangladesh Against Rape and Oppression, has emerged in response to the horrifying surge in sexual violence across the country. The situation and public safety have deteriorated significantly, after President Mohammed Shahabuddin swore Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus in as Chief Adviser of Bangladesh’s current Interim Government on August 8, 2024. Rape cases have become commonplace there. An eight-year-old girl from Magura was viciously raped, leaving her in critical condition for six days where she ultimately died of her injuries. She is not the only one.
Every day, fresh incidences of rape—many involving children—are reported, but many more go unreported owing to a culture of fear and impunity. What should have prompted swift government action has instead resulted in savagery, as police assaulted demonstrators seeking justice. The struggle against rape in Bangladesh is more than simply legislative changes; it is a fight for dignity, safety, and the basic right to live without fear.
A Crisis Ignored, A Nation Outraged
Rape has become a systemic epidemic in Bangladesh, with incidents increasing at an alarming rate. Survivors are often suppressed, criminals go unpunished owing to political ties or legal loopholes, and justice remains elusive. Rather than enacting effective measures to fight sex-based violence, the government has continuously failed to hold people accountable. Protesters came to the streets to demand reform, but were greeted with governmental brutality rather than support.
The police onslaught on nonviolent protestors violates democracy and human rights. Students, activists, and regular individuals who refuse to keep quiet have been tear-gassed, assaulted, and detained for seeking justice. This state-sponsored persecution is an effort to suppress the people’s collective wrath, but it has simply fuelled the movement even more.
International Solidarity: A Moral Obligation
Bangladesh’s challenge is not one that exists only there. Worldwide rape is a problem, hence worldwide unity is very essential. Progressive companies, feminist groups, and student unions all over have to show their support to those working on the ground. Statements of support, awareness-raising campaigns, demonstrations, and pressure on international entities to hold the Bangladeshi government responsible, all represent the many ways that solidarity could manifest itself.
Organizations such as the Young Communist League (YCL) and student unions all around have to acknowledge this fight as part of the larger battle against state repression and sex-based violence. Silence in front of injustice is collusion. It is time to support Bangladesh’s battle for justice, much as movements all over have opposed institutionalized injustice.
The Path Forward
Protesters in Bangladesh are seeking not only swift justice for survivors, but also institutional reform. Their requests include: To guarantee that justice is served, rapists must face swift and open judicial processes. Hold the government accountable for failing to safeguard people and prevent sex-based violence. An end to police violence against demonstrators exercising their democratic rights. Comprehensive legal and social changes to address the core causes of sexual assault, such as education and tougher enforcement of the law.
The campaign against rape and oppression in Bangladesh marks a watershed event in the country’s history. This is a time when we need to be resilient, united, and unshakeable. The government may attempt to silence voices, but the aggregate strength of the people is greater than fear. The battle for justice will continue beyond these demonstrations, until fundamental change is accomplished.
Now is the moment for global solidarity. It is time to stand with the people of Bangladesh. Their battle is our struggle, and it is a fight for everyone who values justice, decency, and equality. The voices emerging in Bangladesh must not be hushed; instead, they must be amplified, encouraged, and united in a global call for an end to sexual assault and governmental persecution.
An assault on one is an attack on everyone.
In fight and unity.
Shaila Shobnam is a member of the YCL’s Birmingham Branch, and the Bangladesh Students’ Union