Thousands of families queued up in Dallas on Saturday for the North Texas Food Bank for what the organization called it its largest ever handout.
Organizers from the NTFB said they gave away over 7,000 turkeys and around 300,000kg of food in Fair Park to those families in need as the holidays approach and the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Aerial views of the handout showed lines of vehicles throughout the morning as volunteers placed boxes of food inside the waiting vehicles.
“I haven’t been working since December, can’t find a job, they cut my unemployment, it’s a real big deal,” said one person, waiting in the line.
Organizers said the food given away on Saturday was enough to feed about 25,000 people.
The United States continues to be hit hard by Covid-19, with every new day last week bringing 100,000 new cases of the virus, with 11 million total active cases overall.
It should come as no surprise that a country obsessed with maintaining a for-profit private healthcare system and one the world’s most capitalist and individualist country would be a natural home to the coronavirus.
America’s patchwork state by state response, (where some states do not even mandate the wearing of masks, let alone any form of lockdown,) has been shown to be a complete failure.
Without proper state intervention and management, the virus will continue to ruin the lives of American workers, and scenes like this will become the norm at foodbanks across their country.
Adam Jenson