On the initiative of the Palestinian People’s Party and the Communist Party of Israel, communist and workers’ parties from across the world signed the following joint statement.

On June 5th 2020 it is the 53rd anniversary of the 1967 aggressive war, where Israel had occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza strip, the Syrian Golan and Sinai peninsula.
This anniversary comes in the shadow of the Israeli government’s declared intention to annex the Occupied Palestinian Lands supported by the US Administration, as part of the disastrous “Deal of the Century”. Meaning, perpetuating the occupation, deepening the settlements and creating an official Apartheid regime, while clearing the Palestinian people’s right of self-determination, and preventing the end of occupation, settlements and the establishment of a Palestinian independent state on the borders of June 4th 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and the right of return for refugeesaccording to international resolutions.
Netanyahu’s government and Trump’s administration are pulling the region to the edge as well as they both are perpetuating the conflict in the service of hegemony projects, they then are betting on the silence of the international community on these crimes – war crimes- especially as the world is preoccupied with COVID-19 implications on health, society and economy.
We, the undersigned workers’ and communist parties of the world, call upon the progressive anti-imperialist forces around the world to continue the struggle against this criminal Israeli policy and the impudent support of imperialism in liquidating the rights of the Palestinian People and exterminating any chance to exercise international law, and reach security and stability in the region.
Down with the Occupation!
Forward the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination!
SolidNet Parties
- Communist Party of Albania
- Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
- Communist Party of Armenia
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Communist Party of Australia
- Progressive Tribune of Bahrain
- Communist Party of Belgium
- Workers’ Party of Belgium
- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
- Communist Party of Brazil
- Brazilian Communist Party
- New Communist Party of Britain
- Communist Party of Britain
- Communist Party of Canada
- Communists of Catalonia
- Communist Party of Chile
- Communist Party of Cuba
- AKEL – Cyprus
- Communist Party in Denmark
- Communist Party of Finland
- French Communist Party
- German Communist Party
- Communist Party of Greece
- Communist Party of India (Marxist)
- Tudeh Party of Iran
- Communist Party of Kurdistan Iraq
- Workers’ Party of Ireland
- Iraqi Communist Party
- Communist Party of Israel
- Communist Party of Italy
- Italian Communist Party
- Jordanian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Mexico
- Popular Socialist Party – National Political Association, Mexico
- Communist Party of Norway
- Palestinian People’s Party
- Paraguayan Communist Party
- Peruvian Communist Party
- PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party
- Communist Party of Poland
- Portuguese Communist Party
- Union of Communist Parties – CPSU
- Communists of Serbia
- Communist Party of Spain
- Communist Party of the Workers of Spain – PCTE
- Communist Party of Sri Lanka
- Sudanese Communist Party
- South African CP
- Communist Party of Swaziland
- Communist Party of Turkey
- Communist Party of Ukraine
- Communist Party of USA
- New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Other Parties
- New Communist Party of Aotearoa