“Green capitalism” means extinction

Chris Lickley examines the failures of so-called “green capitalism”, and stresses the urgent need for governments and corporations to tackle global warming
20 million people at risk of devastating famine in Horn of Africa

The World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that up to 20 million people risk starvation following delayed rain in the Horn of Africa, made worse by lack of humanitarian aid.
Scottish Policing Authority refuse to launch inquiry over policing at COP26

The Scottish Policing Authority (SPA) have announced they will not be carrying out an independent inquiry into the numerous policing failures that occurred during COP26 in Glasgow in November last year
Government climate hypocrisy laid bare as new fossil fuel project given the go-ahead

Less than three months have passed since the COP26 summit, and already the British government has proven the emptiness of their commitments on global climate change. In January, the Department for Education was criticised by trade unions for it’s flawed s trategy on climate education, while at the same time 20% of local councils were […]
Plans for Cambo oil field on hold for now…

Last week Shell announced they were to withdraw from Cambo proposals due to supposed issues around the economic justification of the project. Today, another key partner, Siccar Point Energy, announced it would also be pulling out from the project, which sits approximately 125km northwest of the Shetland Isles
Housing charities warn of impact of climate change on homeless people

Housing charities have warned that homeless people and those in poor housing are at increasing risk of the effects of climate change in the UK
Why the establishment fears the YCL

Jason D argues that police’s intimidation tactics towards the YCL reflect the establishment’s growing fears
COP26 climate commitments fall short of the mark, new report shows

This year’s COP26 summit in Glasgow has seen strong words from many world leaders on their commitment to tackle global climate change. However, when one looks at the concrete policies being carried out by these governments, it becomes clear that what world leaders are saying on climate and what is actually being done are two very different things
YCL Central Committee statement on COP26 protests

Yesterday the Young Communist League joined thousands of protestors in opposing the sham COP26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland
Public inquiry into Cumbrian coal mining project begins

A public inquiry has begun into the development of the UK’s first deep coal mine in 30 years. The project, run by West Cumbria Mining (WCM), would extract 2.78 million tonnes of coal a year up until 2049, but has been widely criticised for its potential environmental impact.