Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s overplaying of the ‘no-nonsense’ stereotype has left them inept in the fallout of the Azeem Rafiq racism scandal

Abbie Rhodes writes on the historic racism within Yorkshire County Cricket Club
Europe’s young communists declare ‘Socialism or Barbarism’ in the midst of COVID-19 second wave

Abbie Rhodes reports on a recent online conference which brought together European communist youth organisations to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the struggles being led by the youth across the continent.
“Mums & Kids”; Whores & Madonnas: why does men’s cricket hate female fans?

Abbie Rhodes discusses the sexist and anachronistic attitudes still so prevalent at every level of English cricket and what this means for female cricket fans.
Is English cricket doomed to remain elite forever?

Independent schools are thankfully not things that prey excessively on my mind. Having received a state education and living in an area devoid entirely of private education, my daily life was never concerned with them or their influence until I left for university. I’d managed, in fact, to stay proudly ignorant for the majority of […]
Bridging the divide: the cosmos and the two cultures

From the Babylonians to the Greeks to the Mayans, the practises of science and literature existed in some form or another at the centre of every ancient civilisation. They represented to them what they continue to do to us today: the most fundamental desire of our species to know the world around us, and to share that knowledge with others. Tens of thousands of years came and went while spending little time at all drawing distinction between these disciplines – ones today we perceive as being repellent strangers to one another – as often they were one single entity. Ancient aborigine civilisations considered the stars the campfires of passed spirits, spawning many a story that were undoubtedly shared around more terrestrial campfires, from generation to generation, through spoken word rather than ink and parchment.
Somewhere down the line, between then and now, the entity broke in two.
Birds in the poetry of Edward Thomas

Depending on your persuasion, Edward Thomas was either a prominent War Poet, or simply a poet who just so happened to serve and die in the First World War. It is often a controversial categorisation to make, as he wrote much of his work before being drafted and a good majority does not mention the […]
What connects supermassive black holes and dark matter?

Two theoretical objects, crucial to the understanding of the birth and life of our universe, are perhaps unsurprisingly connected at fundamental levels: their apparent abundance in the early universe, pivotal role in galactic formation, and names which afford them qualities of mystery and intrigue before one even knows what they are. But what exactly are […]