Special Educational Needs and Disabled (SEND) children robbed of support

Spending cuts and service reviews are being outlined as a result of a funding shortage of over half a billion pounds for educating children with special needs, across councils in England. Due to a government ruling, local authorities are not permitted to employ other reserves to boost funds for the special educational needs and disabilities (Send) system, leaving families anxious that their loved ones could lose support to ensure gaping historical shortfalls are cleared.

Communists on the campaign trail ’21

With last week’s ‘Super Thursday’ elections, Communists around the country have been pushing for votes. Being the largest election campaign for the Communist Party since the 1980’s the Communist Party is fighting to provide a genuine alternative to the mainstream political parties up and down Britain.

Missed Clare’s Law deadlines put women at risk

Nearly 25% of applications for background checks accepted last year by the police took longer than a month to reveal information about the criminal histories of suspected abusers. Under Clare’s Law, implemented in 2014, people have the “right to ask” police about any past domestic violence or offences that mean their partners could be a potential risk to them.

On the dust: the battle for Thurrock

Over a year into the Covid-19 crisis, which saw the public clap for those still on the frontline, Thurrock council have seen fit to slash the terms and conditions of its local refuse workers.

Laurence Fox not what London is looking for

In an age where politics move further and further towards a theatrical performance, pop culture personalities and actors coming to the forefront of modern political discourse should come as no surprise. In London, Laurence Fox has come to throw his hat in the ring as a candidate for the Mayorship. The Yorkshireman in 2020 founded his own political party called the ‘Reclaim Party’ whose ideology purports to be a form of populist libertarian conservatism.