Wrong priorities in education

In the last few weeks the Tories, headed by Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education (pictured), have been busy putting out new information for schools to safeguard children. Unfortunately the threats they’re tackling are not the growing threat of coronavirus, but the threat to their minds from dangerous ideas like anti-capitalism

Communist Party argues “jobs, safety and investment the key” in response to TUC

In response to the recent TUC conference, Communist Party Chair Liz Payne has urged Britain’s trades union movement to unite to defend every job, demand a safe return to work and to reject EU attempts to limit control of state aid to industry in England, Scotland and Wales, at the party’s most recent Political Committee meeting.

Furlough replacement measures announced won’t prevent mass job losses

The measures brought in by the government to replace the furlough scheme were unveiled this week. Under the new setup the most vulnerable workers in the economy will have the least support and no attempt has been made to prevent the potential for millions of redundancies when furlough is withdrawn at the end of this month.