Communists urge anti-monopolies alliance

Monopoly capital has strengthened its grip on economies across the developed world during the Covid pandemic, according to Britain’s Communists. “The monopoly corporations are sucking in resources, skills and wealth directly and through their huge supply chains; they are exploiting their multi-million strong labour forces to extract super-profits for their shareholders and taking absolute control of finance, advanced technology, security, ‘defence’, commodity production and service delivery”, Liz Payne told the Communist Party’s Executive Committee at the start of the month (1 August 2021).

Communist campaigners bare their gnashers in the East of England

Communists in the East of England have now set up a third centre for their campaign to restore dental care to local towns and rural areas. There is a crisis of care provision, with some major cities such as Cambridge and Ipswich dipping below the fifty per cent mark of adults qualifying for NHS cover.

Welsh Communists mark 85th anniversary of Spanish Civil War and legacy of International Brigaders

A range of speakers contributed to the event at at the Welsh International Brigades Memorial earlier this month (21 July 2021) in Cathays Park Cardiff including Will Barton, secretary of the Cardiff branch of the Communist Party (whose speech is published in full below), Robert Griffiths General Secretary of Communist Party and Marc Bilbao Asensio from the Communist Party of Spain. There were revolutionary songs from Cor Cochian Caerdydd and a poem and reading from International Brigades Cymru. Keeping alive the memory of the Welsh international brigaders: Yn cadw’r cof am y brigadwyr rhyngwladol o gymru yn fyw.

YCL100: The Spanish Civil War and The International Brigades

The 17th July 2021 marks the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Joe Weaver takes a look at what happened, and the contributions made by members of the Young Communist League & Communist Party of Great Britain.

Communist Party calls to ‘Save NHS from profiteers’

On the 73rd anniversary of the launch of the NHS, Britain’s Communist Party launched a stinging attack on the “creeping privatisation” of the service.  Speaking at the Party’s Executive Committee on 4 July – the day before NHS vesting day – General Secretary Robert Griffiths accused Boris Johnson’s Conservative government of “accelerating the sell-out of Aneurin Bevan and Labour’s greatest living achievement”. 

Challenge archive: Keep the Tories out

During the heated 1979 general elections, Margaret Thatcher broke headlines with her profoundly anti-working-class rhetoric. Challenge made the case for why Labour’s right-wing candidate is not the best representative for the anti-Thatcher youth as well as the importance of communists having an independent political campaign due to the swinging ideological pendulum of Labour leaders. Labour leader James Callaghan went on to lose to Thatcher, bringing on 11 years of union-busting and neoliberalisation of the British economy. Never have these words rang more true and more relevant than today.

Manchester celebrates 100 years of the Communist Party of China

rades of the North West District Communist Party and Young Communist League and the Party’s General Secretary, Robert Griffiths, attended a celebration of the centenary of the Communist Party of China held in Manchester on Saturday (26 June 2021). Challenge carries a transcript of Comrade Griffith’s speech in full.

‘Jobs and homes NOT military provocations’ – Communist Party

The Communist Party’s International secretary John Foster told the CP Political Committee on Wednesday evening (23 June 2021) that while the Conservative government is preparing real-terms cuts to the budgets needed for a post-COVID recovery, military spending will jump by 20% over the next two years.  He strongly condemned the government’s decision to sail the guided-missile warship HMS Defender (pictured) inside Crimean territorial waters directly opposite Russia’s Sevastopol naval base. 

Communists join People’s Assembly march in London to hold Tories accountable

Both the Communist Party and Young Communist League were in London on Saturday to join the People’s Assembly national demonstration against Boris Johnson’s government. The protest in London was calling for the end of both Tory cuts and Tory rule. The march was also supported by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, trade unions and trades councils and other progressive organisations from across Britain.