Over 600,000 workers lose jobs between March & May

"Job Centre Plus" by HelenCobain is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Office for National Statistics (ONS) statistics released today revealed the dire states of Britain’s economy in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and Tory mismanagement.

According to to the ONS, the UK’s national statistical institute, early indicators for May 2020 show that the number of employees in the UK on payrolls has fallen sharply by well over 600,000 compared with March.

CP Executive Committee: Communists attack class-based racism & call for nationalisation to save jobs

‘The vicious killing of George Floyd has highlighted the racism that still pervades developed capitalist societies and their state institutions’, Mollie Brown declared at the Communist Party of Britain’s Executive Committee meeting this weekend. She pointed to recent examples of the deaths and serious injuries of black detainees in police custody in Britain, the US and France which, she suggested, were also related to the use of dangerous restraint techniques that were used disproportionately against black and working-class people.

Britain marks International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020

May Day has long been the central focus in the Labour Movement’s annual calendar, but it is not the sole day of action that recognises the efforts of working people. International Workers Memorial Day is celebrated every year on the 28th of April and while it does not have the same proud tradition that International Workers Day has, it remains a poignant day to remember those whose lives have been lost while at work.

17. Trade Unions

The nature of trades unions under both capitalism and socialism is a question which has occupied many sections of the international Marxist movement since the beginning of the 20th century and before. The basics are, of course, obvious.

Trades unions are formed where workers unite to defend their immediate interests against those of capital. In fact, the very existence of trades unions is due to the basic contradiction between labour and capital. The primary motivation of capital is to increase the surplus value extracted from the workers.