VE Day 75: a living legacy and an unfinished struggle

It is easy for young people in Britain today to overlook the importance of the outcome of the Second World War for world history and the current political situation we face today. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of the sacrifice and the bravery of previous generations in the struggle to defeat Nazi Fascism.
Introducing ChallengeTV


Back2Basics is the Young Communist League’s series on Marxist concepts made easy. Its aim is to provide a starting point for those interested in learning about communist theory and a foundation for further reading and study.
A new Challenge for young workers and students

Comrades and friends It brings me great pleasure to welcome you with this editorial to the new website of Challenge, the magazine of the Young Communist League of Britain (YCL). In particular I would like to greet first time readers of Challenge and those aren’t members of the YCL (yet!). The YCL is a democratic […]
The pandemic calls for solidarity against those who seek to exploit us – and the YCL is organising to help

Young Communist League General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter, on how the COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the barbarity of capitalism
How the government should protect working people from COVID-19

Through Tory incompetence, delay and indecision the Conservative Party are risking the lives and livelihoods of Britain’s working people — all in the interests of financial markets, says Young Communist League General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter