Class conscious and militant politics are the answer for the youth and working people of Scotland

YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter explains why it is critical to examine the recent rise in industrial action and SNP’s referendum announcement from a class standpoint
Cuba: a symbol of struggle and resistance

After his recent trip to the island, YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter writes on why we must not abandon or betray the Cuban Revolution
COVID has shown us that capitalism is a plague on our planet

Johnnie Hunter argues that big pharma monopolies are to blame for the prolonging of the pandemic
2022: A year to intensify the struggle for the youth, working people and humanity

As we begin the new year, militancy and class consciousness are on the rise in Britain, says Johnnie Hunter
What’s the point of the Scottish government’s ‘non-optional guidance’ on Covid?

Scotland is sleepwalking into a fresh crisis under the SNP-Green coalition, writes Johnnie Hunter
Challenge: Voice of Britain’s youth – yesterday, today and tomorrow

The essential purpose and the central task of Challenge in this regard is not an easy one: Our magazine, like our organisation, is addressed with nothing less than winning mass support among young workers and students for revolutionary socialism, the Communist Party and our programme, Britain’s Road to Socialism
Our Congress! Our Struggle! Our Future!

Greetings and solidarity to all of the delegates attending the YCL’s historic 50th Congress this weekend at Ruskin House and to all the comrades and branches who have participated in Congress debate and discussion this year from the length and breadth of Britain. Our Congress meets at a time when the stakes for our class and for humanity could not be higher.
Now is the time for working people and the youth to seize the initiative

Young Communist League General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter, outlines the importance of the People’s Assembly national demonstration on 26 June 2021 and the need to build a mass movement against austerity and for socialism across Britain.
To live life with purpose: 100 years of the Young Communist League

Very few political organisations in Britain can trace their story back over the course of a full century. But what does 100 years of history mean for Britain’s young communists in 2021?
The Tory Kickstart scheme is a joke. We need a real plan to beat youth unemployment

The Tories’ flagship ‘Kickstart’ scheme isn’t a subject that has received a great deal of coverage either in the monopoly media or in the labour movement since it was launched as part of the Summer Budget in 2020. This lack of coverage and awareness might be surprising given that it is being touted as the Tories silver bullet to spiralling youth unemployment resulting from the pandemic. In fact, it is really their only significant policy in terms of youth unemployment. But there is a good reason you probably haven’t heard much about it since the scheme was launched. Despite all the government spin, it has been a complete failure.