Will the Iran nuclear deal be revived?

The European Union has presented the “final text” it believes will revive the Iran nuclear deal, following a new round of talks in Vienna
Police suppression targets Sri Lankan protesters

In spite of a nationwide curfew, thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Sri Lanka to highlight the government’s handling of the growing economic crisis, exacerbated by the rising cost of living amongst the working classes
Thousands of refugees attempt to cross Belarus-Poland border into EU

A crisis has erupted at the Belarus-Poland border, as thousands of refugees attempt to cross through Belarus into the EU. This follows the Belarusian government’s announcement this June that they would no longer hold back migrants seeking EU entry
EU court rules to allow hijab bans in the workplace

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that workplaces within the EU are free to ban hijabs and other visible religious dress.
World Federation of Democratic Youth: imperialism is responsible for more than 80 million refugees globally

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) issued a statement marking World Refugee Day 2021.
“This year we face World Refugee Day with the shocking fact that the threshold of 80 million refugees and forced migrants (82.4 million) has been overcome in 2021 …
Communist Party issues call for non-racist immigration and nationality laws

The Communist Party has issued a statement calling for new immigration laws to end decades of racist legislation and the Tories’ ‘hostile environment’, and, setting out the Party’s principles on immigration.
The architecture of Irish partition is disintegrating

Nick Wright argues the people of the Irish Republic and their government have had a rude lesson in the politics of inter-imperialist rivalry.
Germany: CDU appoints new leader in attempt to strike balance

Germany’s largest party, the CDU, has appointed a new leader after a year of deliberation in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Armin Laschet won 53% of the vote and will now hope to steer the party forward as it looks to progress past Merkel’s 18-year rule. With a leading role in the EU, Europe’s largest economy plays an important role as the relative ‘middle ground’ to increasingly polarised governments to its East and West.
Young people are disillusioned with capitalism – not democracy

A prominent study published towards the end of 2020 through Cambridge University made the stark finding that “This is the first generation in living memory to have a global majority who are dissatisfied with the way democracy works while in their twenties and thirties”, receiving significant coverage in parts of Britain’s media.
CP calls for a united struggle for popular sovereignty in face of Tory EU Deal

Communist Party of Britain General Secretary Robert Griffiths and International Secretary John Foster released a statement yesterday (26 December 2020) on the UK-EU Agreement on Trade and Cooperation.