Capitalism is revealing its true face to a new generation of youth

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Capitalism is a degrading, exploitative and destructive system – but only a minority of Britain’s youth have come to this realisation. This isn’t because its incorrect and it isn’t because the majority of the youth are fervent supporters of the neoliberal capitalism.

UK Statistics Authority calls out Tories for misleading COVID-19 testing figures

Tory Health Secretary Matt Hancock received scathing of criticism of official government figures in a letter published today (2 June 2020) from Mr David Norgrove chairman of the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA).

The watchdog’s response to government publication of official data on COVID-19 tests in England described the figures as of “limited value” and called out that the “aim seems to be to show the largest possible number of tests, even at the expense of understanding”.

Tory austerity, Labour indecision or SNP nationalism? Class politics is the answer

Young people in Britain live in grim and uncertain times. Even before the COVID-19 Pandemic, we were denied the chance of a dignified life and an optimistic future.

The pandemic, as well as inflicting tens of thousands of tragedies and tearing families apart, has exposed the inhumanity of the capitalist system and its inability to protect the lives of working people. But this is no time to despair.

Dominic Cummings flagrantly breached lockdown at height of pandemic

It has emerged that, senior No.10 aide Dominic Cummings travelled hundreds of miles from London to County Durham during the lockdown when he had virus symptoms. This comes after the resignation of Prof. Neil Ferguson, who ignored the law to visit his partner in another home. Back in April the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland, Dr Catherine Calderwood was also forced to resign after flouting lockdown measures, which she herself had advocated for.

How the government should protect working people from COVID-19

Through Tory incompetence, delay and indecision the Conservative Party are risking the lives and livelihoods of Britain’s working people — all in the interests of financial markets, says Young Communist League General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter